Saturday, May 26, 2007

Movie Review: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
rated PG-13 for intense sequences of action/adventure violence, and some frightening images

Filmmaking: Excellent
Moral: Better than Average
Overall: 31/2 out of 4 stars

In the latest adventure in the popular Disney Pirates series, The crew is back with the help of the newly resurrected Barbossa, trying to fetch back "Witty Jack and him Precious Pearl".
Meanwhile, Lord Beckett is trying to destroy the Pirates once and for all. We also see Davy Jones Locker, Sao Feng a Chinese Pirate lord, Calypso the sea goddess, plenty of pirates, Jack attack, a curse lifted, and a cameo from Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones.
Phew....I just confused myself. Yes, this film is BUSY and so I cannot at all attempt an overview, just go see it.
Gore Verbinski did a phenomenal job directing and managed to make a third film every bit as good as the original. I was a bit skeptical of this one, as I thought that Dead Man's Chest was not anywhere up to par with the original.
The acting was good.
The effects were good.
The music was good.
It was a very entertaining film. It actually felt like you were in the midst of the action.

Morally this is a Pirate film and so you can expect a fare share of rum, women ogling and violence. What is added is a somewhat twisted view of the afterlife, which even though it is presented as fiction, could still confuse younger viewers. There was only one curse word in the film.
Overall, I though At World's End ended the Pirates trilogy with a BANG! At times it was confusing, but this one was very well crafted and the director's view clearly showed through. The film is showing at all major theaters and is almost 3 hours in length.
Signing out, the Buckland Fiddler

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