Monday, October 29, 2007

The Best Movies of 2007

It is now the time of the year to review the best (and worst) of 2007!
This week I will review the great box office successes and wonderful films of the year.

Best Action Film:
The Bourne Ultimatum

I don't think anyone expected this movie to be as good as it was. In the summer of sequels and threequels, this was clearly the best all around. With a solid performance from Matt Damon, and a good script and cinematography, this film was win-win. While Pirates 3 and Spiderman 3 made more money, they had plot holes and story features that fans did not like. This Bourne movie was a hit with Bourne fans, and while finishing the three movie story arc, left room for more movies in this series in the future.

Best Animated Film:
Meet the Robinsons

I know that there are a lot of people right now who hate me for giving this award to Meet the Robinsons and not Ratatouille, but to them I say this-"Did you expect Meet the Robinsons to be so good? No. What about Ratatouille? Yes"
Pixar films are expected to be great, and we all compared their latest to their other hits. Disney, on the other hand, went completely original and took a creative twist with Meet the Robinsons. It had a great plot, good animation and a heck of a lot more appeal to us older folks. After Chicken Little I expected nothing, and Meet the Robinsons delivered....majorly. Shrek the Third was pathetic and everything else was unoriginal, so that is why Meet the Robinsons gets this prize.

Best Comedy:
Ocean's Thirteen

It says something about the pathetic state of comedies when a non-comedy is the funniest movie of the year. Sure it is technically a crime movie, but who wouldn't laugh at Matt Damon with a fake nose wooing a drunk Ellen Bergen?
Evan Almighty was okay, and some of the animated movies entertained, but almost all of the comedies of 2007 were R rated sex comedies, which I never go for. Ocean's Thirteen was hilarious, well made, and had a wonderful returning cast, so it gets the vote for Best Comedy.

Best Drama:
Pan's Labyrinth

Some of you may not remember this film. It came out it in the first quarter of 07 and to a limited release at that. While this film could probably be classified as a fantasy film, it fits nicely in the drama category because of the stories of the two main characters and their struggles against the blood and tears of war. I have never seen as much debate on whether a fantasy world was real or not. I have gotten into countless debates over this one movie and no one can seem to agree. That is why writer/director Guillermo del Toro gets the prize for this one. Although it was very bloody ( The MPAA rating was R for graphic violence) Pan's Labyrinth really captured the hardships of war in a way that even Children of Men did not.

Email me if there was a category you feel I left out!
Signing out, The Buckland Fiddler

1 comment:

firebirdsinger said...

I totally agree with your "Meet the Robinsons" idea. I actually didn't care for Ratatouille that much. Meet the Robinsons had a wonderful overall feel to it, as well as showing that all families aren't a mom, a dad, and 2.5 kids. They can be silly and quirky, but it's the love that counts. And that's my soapbox for today. :D