Monday, February 19, 2007

Movie Review: Pan's Labyrinth and Bridge to Terabithia

Hello, once again, to the movie review post!

This week I will be reviewing two films with similar plots, yet hugely different stories.

Pan's Labyrinth: Rated R for graphic violence and some language.

As the rating suggests, this is not a kiddie film. It features some intense violence, gruesome torture scenes, and a sprinkling of language. However, this film is saturated with character and moral messages. The main character, Ofelia must complete 3 tasks in order to return to the kingdom that she is really from. This entails facing a giant frog, a child eating monster, and her evil step father. In the end, she gives herself up, rather than letting her brother be harmed in any way. I won't say too much, to avoid giving away the story, but let it be known that there is a lot of intense stuff in this. I would say not for anyone under 16.
This is a good film to see if it has been previewed by someone else, so that they can warn you about some of the more intense scenes.
Overall: **** (out of 5)
Moral rating:***
Movie making:*****

Bridge to Terabithia: rated PG for thematic elements, including mild bullying, and mild language.

Okay guys, go see this. It is NOT a fantasy film, as the trailer would have you believe.
This is all about learning to cope with difficulties in life. It was a beautifully written, filmed and orchestrated, and the young stars are amazing.
I was expecting another Narnia, instead found a film with the heart of Because of Winn-Dixie. Disney struck gold with this film adapted from a novel. Be forewarned though, this one is a tear jerker.

Overall *****
Moral rating *****
Movie making *****

That is it for this week. Coming soon will be another edition, covering some of the summer's most highly anticipated films.

For more info on these and other films, contact me at

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