Friday, March 23, 2007

Hot Games!

With the widespread popularity of the next gen gaming systems, developers have been scrambling to put out the next "big game". With consoles like the PS3 and Xbox 360, there is no dispute that graphics will play a major part in the lineup. Halo 3 has been in the works for a while now and looks really impressive.
What about the Wii, though? The graphics are no where as impressive as the other 2 consoles, so developers are having to rely on gameplay to make the game great (oh great! (sarcastically)).
What exactly is being worked up for the Wii? Here is a list of some Hot game coming out soon.

Super Mario Galaxy: Not much is known about this title, except that the worlds pretty much so have no gravity, so expect Mario to be more high-flying than ever! The Wii controls also offers a new twist to the classic Mario action.

Mushroom Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts for Wii! Enough said! Yep, the classic Mario characters join Mickey Mouse and Final Fantasy characters for one crazy RPG.

Dance Dance Revolution: DDR took the world by storm on PS2 and Xbox, expect more of the addictive gameplay on the Wii version, PLUS new poses and movements involving the Wii remote and nunchuck. This one is going to be fun and challenging.

Untitiled Star Wars title: Okay, we all know this one will eventually come out. It has not been announced, but with the entire Wii fanbase begging for it, you know it is coming soon.

SSX Blur: This one is actually already out, but still needs to be mentioned. The classic snowboarding is revamped with new control schemes.

Super Smash Bros: Brawl: Nintendo characters. Motion reading controls. Large fights. Need I say more?

Super Mario Strikers: The GC version of this was a huge hit, so I expect this one to be also.

Cooking Mama: I know, this one is kind of weird. But with a Wario Ware feel using cooking utensils and frying pans, expect some quirky fun.

That is all for now. I know that there a WHOLE lot more games coming out for Wii, but I will just have to cover more at a later time!

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