Monday, January 8, 2007

Thoughts on the Hobbit movie

Okay, where to begin? If you have followed the news at all in the last few months, you will have noticed the hullabaloo surrounding Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema. Apparently, NLC has dropped PJ from the upcoming film version of J.R.R.Tolkien's The Hobbit. This is frustrating for many people, especially as PJ expressed his love of the books and desire to make them. The problem? New Line Cinema can't wait. Or won't wait. For the past few years after the LOTR trilogy ended, the fans have been persistent in their demands for a film version of the Hobbit. PJ intended to make it, if NLC allowed, but decided to do a couple of other projects first. What became of this? Well, NLC has finally given in to the demands of the fans. "Sure" they say. "We'll make The Hobbit". Well, fans. You got what you asked for. If you had been patient and waited for PJ, we might actually have a deep, rich wonderful film. Instead, your impatient demands have force NLC to drop the one man who is actually capable of directing such a staggering project. The fans now say it was a mistake and that they want Peter back. Sorry to break it to you, but it might be too late. PJ is reported as saying that since there was a legal dispute anyway, he is fine with not directing it. He didn't want to have to deal with legal problems AND a giant film. He told the press he had planned on resolving the lawsuit between his film studio and NLC before going forward with the Hobbit. Apparently, this has offended him or discouraged him.
The only hope we PJ fans have now is the giant petition that is online, to bring him back on board the project. If enough signatures are given, then New Line Cinema will have to notice. (Honestly, I think they already have). Then they might ask him back. Honestly, I hope he accepts. After what they did to him, he has every right to refuse. One fact that must be noticed, however, is the fact that EVERY SINGLE PERSON asked about the matter has stated that PJ is the only person qualified for making the Hobbit.

Visit for a link to the petition and continuing information on The Hobbit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo, I like Jackson's style, but maybe ( from my point of view) a less-gory Hobbit would be better. Though I have already signed the petition, maybe the studio wants to make it more like a kids movie.